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Our trip in Cardiff

Wednesday Posté le Mercredi 4 Mars 2009 à 09h35


My name is Ghislain Delahaye.

I am 18 years old and i live in La Séguinière.

I want to become a industrial drawghtsman.

I am a student of bac pro terminal.

I did 3 training periods in Regor Creations and Morillon.

I like the music and the sport.



My name is Quentin Métayer.I am 20 years old and i live in la Possonnière.

I want to become a industrial draughtsman. I am a student of bac pro industrial drawing.

I did 3 training periods in Atelier Perrault Frères and T.I.F.

I like the music and the judo.


My name is Mathieu Fonteneau, I live in Le Longeron and I am 19 years old. I want to become industrial drawing, I am student of bac pro terminal EDPI. I did 3 training periods in Desfontaine and MSA Systeme. I like rap music, football and cars.



My name is FAUCHER Léonard. I am 20 years old. I live in St Martin du Fouilloux.

I want to become a industrial draughtsman. I am a student of bac pro industrial drawing.

I did 3 training periods in CMSD and ONEX.

I like a ski and carting.

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